UKCOTS: Teaching Statistics in HE, across all disciplines
UK Conference On Teaching Statistics (UKCOTS) is for everyone with an interest in the teaching of statistics in higher education in whatever department or discipline. UKCOTS is supported by the Royal Statistical Society (RSS).
While the primary intended audience is statistics educators working in higher education, the conference is open to all, including those interested in pre-18 statistics education, or in professional training.
UKCOTS 25 - Call for abstracts - Deadline extended to 21st February!
We are delighted to announce that the next UKCOTS will take place at the University of Glasgow on the 24th and 25th of June 2025.
The call for abstracts is now open for UKCOTS 25. Proposals can be for individual contributions of 5 minutes (e.g. lightning talk) or 20 minutes (e.g. longer talk or activity), which will be delivered as part of sessions arranged by the organisers. Alternatively, you may wish to propose an entire 60-minute session yourself (e.g. an interactive workshop, a hackathon, a series of connected talks, or a panel discussion). Please note that due to time constraints, it is likely only a small number of 60 minute proposals will be accepted. For 60-minute sessions, we request that any proposals are organised by the proposer. There is also the option of a poster presentation. We encourage creativity in your proposals, and interactivity will be viewed favourably. The conference will be in person only; presenters will be expected to join us in Glasgow for the conference.
Submit your proposal using the online form.
The abstract deadline has now been extended to 21st February 2025.
UKCOTS 25 - Timeline
Below is a timeline of deadlines and other dates prior to the conference:
- Call for abstracts opens: 2nd December
- Closing date for abstracts: 21st February
- Reply to all those proposing abstracts: 27th March
- Registration opens: 27th March
- Registration closes: 6th June
Accommodation for UKCOTS
Due to other events taking place in Glasgow around the time of UKCOTS, accommodation prices are likely to increase as we approach the conference date. We would encourage attendees of UKCOTS to book their accommodation early to avoid price increases.
You can find further information on hotels around Glasgow and the university area here.
Keep in touch
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